According to the World of Succulents website, Jatropha podagrica yellow is an outstanding succulent shrub with an erect, woody stem swollen at the base or lower part and shield-shaped, gray-green leaves on long petioles. Clusters of small yellow male and female flowers appear in dense clusters above the leaves on long slender stalks almost all year round.
It grows up to 8.2 feet (2.5 m) tall. The bark of the stem peels in papery sheets and is covered with persistent, hardened, outwardly spinose stipules. The leaves are 3- to 5-lobate, up to 8 inches (20 cm) long and 4.4 inches (11 cm) wide. They are attached to the stem by an up to 8 inches (20 cm) long petiole.
You will need to achieve a balance between moisture and drainage to keep these plants happy. They typically appreciate a steady water supply, but the most popular species cannot tolerate being submerged or soaked and will quickly succumb to root rot. Many popular species make excellent small trees for a conservatory or sunny corner. Keep them well-pruned so they don't outgrow their space too soon.
All succulents are sent bare rooted (most of the soil removed) by Express Australia Post at the start of each week. You will receive a shipping email for tracking if you provide us with your email address.