According to World of Succulents, echeveria monroe is a beautiful small succulent that forms tight rosettes of bluish-green leaves with a hint of orange, pink, or red. The rosettes will show their best shape and color when grown in full sun. The leaves are covered with a delicate waxy bloom that rubs off when touched.
The bell-shaped flowers are pinkish-orange and appear in arching clusters in spring.
It prefers cool and sunny environments. Spring and autumn are the growth periods, while it enters a dormant period during high summer temperatures and low winter temperatures. During dormancy, avoid watering; if too dry, misting is recommended.
Ensure good ventilation and shading.
All succulents are sent bare rooted (most of the soil removed) by Express Australia Post at the start of each week. You will receive a shipping email for tracking if you provide us with your email address.